“Emergency Care for America's Heroes”

Complete Story


Presidential Address

CDR Sean Stuart, DO, FACEP

Friends and Colleagues,

GSACEP continues to focus on supporting you at every stage of your career. I’m excited to share that in the last few months, we’ve continued our long-standing trend of progress. We’ve launched several initiatives aimed at enhancing the support we provide to our members and advancing the practice of emergency medicine in federal service.

These initiatives include new information packets for medical students and graduating residents, the development of a webinar series, and expanded website resources such as a compendium of mental health support. Additionally, based on your feedback, we are expanding our communication avenues to include more social outlets, a revised Facebook group for member interaction, and a news brief to keep you informed on topics that matter most to you. Each of these efforts reflects our commitment to delivering greater value and ensuring that GSACEP remains a leader in our field and a bastion for emergency physicians serving our country.

Beyond these initiatives, we are actively exploring ways to advance federal emergency medicine. We’ve engaged in productive discussions with entities such as the DoD medical departments and DHA equities to ensure our members are well-supported and that our specialty continues to evolve.

I’m also excited to announce that there are more opportunities than ever to get involved with our chapter’s initiatives. We’ve restructured our committees to support even more projects, and there’s plenty of room for everyone. Regardless of your area of interest, skill set, or experience, GSACEP has a place for you. Our committees and task forces encompass all aspects of emergency medicine and federal service, so whether you come with a specific interest or just want to observe, your participation is invaluable as we shape the future of emergency medicine together.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to GSACEP, our profession, and our country. The work we do together is vital, and I’m eager to see what we will accomplish in the months ahead. Always remember wherever you are in your career, GSACEP is with you, every step of the way.

Sean Stuart
President, GSACEP

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