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GSACEP Award Nominations Now Open


The GSACEP Awards program is designed to recognize the outstanding talent and achievements of our chapter members.  Each year, award recipients are chosen who best exemplify commitment to patient care, military service, and our chapter.

Please nominate your fellow GSACEP members for recognition in the following categories.  Nominations are due August 25.  Winners will be notified in September, and awards will be presented at Scientific Assembly in Washington DC in October.

For more information on our Awards program, please visit Awards.


Rising Star

The GSACEP Rising Star Award is intended to honor the junior Emergency Medicine staff that most exemplifies excellence and dedication to service. Similar in intent to sports-based “rising star” awards, the GSACEP Rising Star Award is given annually to a standout young EM physician who displays exceptional service to the Government Services Section and/or outstanding leadership in the profession.

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

>>DOWNLOAD the Rising Star Award Application<<


Medical Director

Any member of the Government Services Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (GSACEP) may nominate himself/herself or another member for this award. The leadership team of any hospital or military treatment facility may nominate a GSACEP member for this award. The nominee must be a GSACEP member and must currently be in a leadership position in an emergency department. The nominee must demonstrate significant contributions to the department in the following categories:

 >> DOWNLOAD the GSACEP Medical Director Award Application<<


Military Excellence

Any member of the Government Services Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (GSACEP) may nominate himself/herself or another member for this award. The leadership team of any hospital or military treatment facility may nominate a GSACEP member for this award. This award recognizes a leader with a record of significant contributions to military emergency medicine, resulting in noteworthy impact on the profession. The nominee must be a GSACEP member

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

 >>   DOWNLOAD the GSACEP Military Excellence Award Application<<


Veteran's Advocate Award

Any member of the Government Services Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (GSACEP) may nominate himself/herself or another member for this award. The leadership team of any hospital or military treatment facility may nominate a GSACEP member for this award.  This award recognizes a GSACEP member that made significant contributions to the health, welfare and/or safety of our nation’s veterans.   

>> DOWNLOAD the GSACEP Veterans Advocate Award Application<<


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