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EMRA’s Government Services Committee Welcomes New Leadership in January 2024!

First, we sincerely thank our founding member and immediate past Chair, LT Matthew Christensen, for his thoughtful and extraordinary work over the last year as Chair and his many years of work before while serving in numerous committee roles. We look forward to him continuing to play an integral role on our team. 

Capt Eric Kretz, a PGY3 at Wright Patterson Air Force Base EM Residency, will take over as the Committee Chair after serving as Chair-Elect.

CPT Kyler Osborne, a PGY2 at Madigan Army Medical Center EM Residency, has been elected Chair-Elect after serving a previous term as one of the committee’s Assistant Vice Chairs. 

ENS Michael Shulby, a MS4 at Midwestern University ACOM, has been elected to serve as the Vice Chair after serving a previous term as one of the committee’s Assistant Vice Chairs. 

CPT Morgan Denecke and 2LT Ryan Leone are new to the team and will serve as Assistant Vice Chairs. CPT Denecke is a PGY2 at Madigan Army Medical Center EM Residency, and 2LT Leone is a MS2 at Columbia University. 

Our major events for the upcoming year will include four Quarterly Collaborations during which we will host a virtual speaker in collaboration with another EMRA committee, virtual programming during EMRA March Madness, and live programming during EMRA@ACEP.

Our first Quarterly Collaboration for 2024 will be Dr. Matthew Christensen hosting Dr. Katie Lee, DO, FAWM to discuss “Ultrasound Capabilities During Military Deployment.” The virtual event will be held on Wednesday, March 13th, at 1700 PST/1900 CST/2000 EST. Please register here.

We look forward to an event-packed 2024. 

-EMRA Government Services Committee Leadership Team

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