| There are numerous opportunities to complete a fellowship as an active duty military emergency medicine physician, although policies and specific offerings vary greatly by service. We reached out to Army, Air Force, and Navy EM physicians and leaders to get some information about the application process, current offerings and a more in depth look at what the more popular fellowships entail in terms of curriculum, payback and future job opportunities. We’ll cover a general overview of fellowship by branch first, and then go into some individual specialties. If you’re interested in pursuing a fellowship, best practice is likely to reach out to your individual branch consultant/specialty manager for the most up-to-date information. |
| Torree McGowan, MD FACEPTraditionally, GSACEP has not been very involved in the advocacy efforts of the College because of the restrictions on active-duty members participating in political activity. However, several recent years have shown the power of the ACEP Council to address problems in the military and federal health care systems, using ACEP to amplify the voices of our members. Read on to learn more about some recent wins our chapter has had in the advocacy realm. |
| This year’s GSS research forum was an amazing showcase of the rigorous and insightful research being performed by GSACEP members all across the world. For those of you who weren’t able to attend, we’ve included the abstracts from the three winners in the original research category. You can find a list of the winners in both the original research and case reports categories below along with a picture of the winners of our SIM wars competition. |
| MAJ Justine Stremick, MDThe GSACEP Public Relations and Advocacy Committee was created one year ago in order to address the needs of the membership. Our work is based on the GSACEP Strategic plan and has focused on two main strategic goals: working to ensure a highly connected and engaged membership and amplifying the voices of military and federal emergency physicians through national level advocacy efforts. Click through to see our new happenings! |
| Cpt Jacob Altholz, MDThe Leadership and Advocacy Conference took place May 1st - May 3rd. LAC is an annual opportunity for all ACEP members across the country to connect with others, learn about the pressing issues, and meet with members of Congress to advocate for local and national issues. This year's themes included many topics on the forefront of our minds nationally, all led by our very own Dr. Gillian Schmitz. |
| Interview with COL (R) Raymond Ten EyckFor this edition’s “History of Military Emergency Medicine” excerpt, we’re highlighting an interview between GSACEP and COL(R) Raymond Ten Eyck. Dr. Ten Eyck served as the Consultant to the Air Force Surgeon General for fourteen years, from 1984 until 1998. During that time, the Air Force established two residency programs in emergency medicine, and grew from 11 Emergency Physicians to over 100. His tenure as consultant witnessed the expansion of the emergency physician’s role in the Air Force from someone who covered required shifts in the emergency room while away from their “real job,” to the current state of a sought-after specialist manning mobile field surgical team and critical care transport roles. |