January 15, 2021

Andrea Austin M.D.

What a year 2020 has been for all of us. I want to start by thanking you for your service and dedication to our country. From the military treatment center in garrison, to the VA hospital and down range, we’ve faced historic hurdles. We’ve waged a historic and inspiring response to this pandemic. I want all of us to take stock in our own mental and physical health. As military and federal emergency physicians, we are all too familiar with PTSD, depression and suicide. I am asking all of you to reflect on your own mental health and check in with your friends and colleagues. ACEP has our back.  I encourage you to utilize the free counseling and peer support programs available...

Tactics, Combat, Casualties and the Coronavirus - The NATO Effort to Fight COVID-19 in Afghanistan

Lt. Col. Rory P Stuart

In October of 2019 I arrived in Afghanistan, for what was expected to be a six-month deployment to the NATO Role 3 hospital at Bagram Airfield. Through that Fall and early winter, our work followed the typical cadence of prior deployments with long periods of treating relatively minor injuries and illnesses punctuated by the occasional STEMI or MASCAL activation.  Like elsewhere in the world news of a new viral illness in China began to filter into Afghanistan sometime in late January. While the global news continued to report on this emerging threat many of us who could remember MERS, SARS and Ebola did not pay much heed. At the time we were preoccupied with the political negotiations leading up to a proposed reduction in violence that hopefully would lead to an Afghan Peace Process...

Deployment Redefined in the Era of COVID-19

Lt. Col. Roderick W. Fontenette

When any provider hears they are being deployed, they immediately begin asking questions: where are we going? How long? Who’s my team? What is our mission? This was no different when I was notified mid-July that I was being deployed in support of COVID-19 operations. I immediately recalled my previous deployments being far-forward living in a tent as a physician on Tactical Critical Care Evacuation Teams (TCCET) or on Critical Care Evacuation Transport Teams (CCATT) and providing en-route care to our wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines...

Case Report: Imperforate Hymen Presenting in a Premenarchal Female with Low Back Pain

Ojeagbase Asikhia, M.D.

A 12-year-old premenarchal female presenting to the emergency department with low back pain and urinary retention was diagnosed with imperforate hymen. This is an uncommon condition which may include additional associated symptoms like nausea, primary amenorrhea, and constipation. Pelvic examination revealed a purplish bulge at the vaginal introitus. Pelvic ultrasound demonstrated an enlarged uterus with hematometra. Early recognition is paramount to prevent complications such as urinary tract infection, peritonitis, endometriosis, or hematosalpinx...